
Supported Independent Living Illawarra

Supported Independent Living (SIL) services are designed to provide intensive support to NDIS participants with higher support needs. This can include individuals who require overnight support, 24/7 care, or person-to-person work provided by a support worker. SIL services can also be beneficial for individuals who require a significant amount of help throughout the day with personal care, household tasks, and other activities. It is important to note that SIL is just one of the many support options available through the NDIS. Depending on individual needs and circumstances, other support options such as in-home care or community participation may be more suitable. The NDIS is designed to provide a range of support options that are tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of each participant.

SIL services can be provided to individuals who are living alone or with a group of people in a shared home. Living independently can be a rewarding experience, and SIL services can provide the necessary support to help individuals achieve this goal. SIL services can offer individuals with disabilities the opportunity to live their lives with greater independence, to make friends, and enjoy social activities while receiving the support they need.

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is an essential option for people living in the Illawarra region as it promotes independence, enhances the quality of life, provides access to a variety of services, gives individuals control and choice, and is funded by government programs. The services are tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of individuals, allowing them to have greater control over their support services. SIL is funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and other government funding programs, making it accessible and affordable for people with disabilities or mental health conditions in the Illawarra region.

NSW Overview

What is Supported Independent Living?

SIL support services are funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) or other government funding programs. Individuals who are eligible for the NDIS can receive funding for SIL support services as part of their NDIS plan. The amount of funding provided will depend on the individual's support needs and goals. SIL support services are designed to be flexible and tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of each individual. Support plans are developed in consultation with the individual and their family or carers, outlining the level and type of support required, the frequency of support, and the roles and responsibilities of support workers.

ndividuals receiving SIL support services are encouraged to take control of their lives and make their own choices. Support workers work with individuals to identify their goals and aspirations, and provide assistance to achieve them. This may include developing skills to live independently, pursuing education or employment opportunities, or participating in social and recreational activities.

Services provided Through SIL

Household tasks

SIL support workers can assist with a variety of household tasks, such as cleaning, laundry, meal preparation, and grocery shopping. SIL services can also provide assistance with managing household budgets and expenses, such as paying bills and managing finances. SIL services can also help individuals to develop skills and strategies to manage household tasks independently, promoting greater independence and self-sufficiency. SIL services promote independence in household tasks, improving individuals' autonomy and quality of life.

Community access

SIL support workers can assist with accessing community resources, such as transportation, recreation, social events, and volunteering opportunities. SIL services can also provide support for individuals to develop skills and strategies to participate in their communities independently. This can include training on public transportation, building social skills, and accessing community services and resources.

Assistance with employment

SIL support workers can assist with job searches, resume building, job applications, interview preparation, and workplace accommodations. This also includes coaching on workplace etiquette and performance, advocating for accommodations or workplace adjustments, and liaising with employers. By providing assistance with employment, SIL services can help individuals to achieve greater independence and financial stability, improve self-esteem and confidence, and increase their social connections.

Financial management

SIL support workers can assist individuals with disabilities or mental health conditions with budgeting, bill payments, and other financial management tasks. This can include creating a budget, managing bills and expenses, setting financial goals, and accessing financial assistance programs. SIL support workers can also provide guidance and support to help individuals manage their finances independently and make informed decisions about their money.

Coordination of services

SIL support workers can help to coordinate various support services to ensure that the individual receives all necessary care and support. This can involve working with other service providers, such as doctors, therapists, and social workers, to ensure that the individual's needs are being met in a coordinated and efficient manner. SIL support workers can also help to develop individualized service plans that outline the support services needed, and can monitor progress and adjust the plan as needed.

How can SIL be modified to meet individual needs

Individualized training and skill development

Individualized training and skill development

SIL providers can work with individuals to develop a plan that is tailored to their unique needs and goals, and provide ongoing support and feedback to help them succeed. Individualized training and skill development can help individuals to build confidence and achieve greater independence in their daily lives. It can also help to improve their quality of life and promote their overall well-being. In addition to building practical skills, SIL providers can also help individuals develop social and emotional skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and coping strategies.


Customized equipment and adaptations

SIL providers can work with individuals to identify any equipment or assistive devices that they may need to live independently and to make necessary adaptations to their living environment. They work with individuals to assess their needs and develop a customized plan to meet those needs. SIL providers can also offer training and support to individuals on how to use any specialized equipment or adaptations. This can help individuals to become more independent in their daily lives and to navigate their living environment more easily.

Range of services

Range of support options

Each individual has unique needs and preferences, and SIL services should be flexible enough to accommodate those differences. SIL providers can offer a range of support options, from periodic check-ins to more intensive support services, such as personal care or assistance with household tasks. Furthermore, SIL services can be tailored to accommodate a range of living arrangements, including independent living, shared living, and supported living arrangements. This allows individuals to choose the level of support that is right for them and to change their level of support as their needs change over time.


Emotional and mental health support

Many individuals with disabilities face additional challenges related to mental health, such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder, and may benefit from additional support in this area.To meet these needs, SIL providers may offer counseling or therapy services, either on-site or through community partners. This can help individuals to develop coping skills, manage stress, and address any emotional or psychological barriers that may be impacting their ability to live independently.

Flexible scheduling

Flexible scheduling

Flexible scheduling means that the support services provided can be tailored to accommodate the unique schedules and routines of the individual, rather than following a rigid, standardized schedule. For example, an individual may require support during non-traditional hours, such as in the evening or on weekends, or they may need to adjust their support schedule to accommodate work or school commitments. By offering flexible scheduling options, SIL services can ensure that the individual's support needs are being met in a way that is convenient and compatible with their lifestyle.

holding hands

Why Choose BB Disability Services for Supported Independent Living in Illawarra?

At BB Disability Services, we understand that every individual has unique needs, preferences, and goals. That is why we offer a range of customized support options tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual. Our team of experienced and well-trained support workers are committed to providing compassionate, person-centered care to promote independence, improve well-being, and enhance the overall quality of life for individuals.

We have a robust system in place to monitor and maintain compliance with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission standards. This includes regular internal audits and quality checks to ensure that all support workers are meeting the required standards of care and service provision. Every member of our staff receives ongoing training and development to ensure they are up-to-date with the latest regulations, policies, and guidelines, and are equipped to provide the best possible care to individuals with disabilities or mental health conditions.

BB Disability Services has a proven track record of providing high-quality SIL services in the Illawarra region. Our commitment to personalized care, compliance, and excellence has made us a trusted provider of SIL services for individuals with disabilities or mental health conditions who require higher levels of support to live independently.

SIL services offered by BB Disability Services

BB Disability Services is committed to providing a wide range of personalized and high-quality SIL services to help individuals achieve greater independence, autonomy, and quality of life in the Illawarra region. We offer a range of services including:

Financial management

BB Disability Services can provide support with budgeting, bill paying, and accessing financial support. Our support workers can work with individuals to develop a budget that takes into account their income, expenses, and financial goals. They can assist individuals in accessing financial support and ensure that individuals have access to the financial support they need to meet their needs and achieve their goals.

Assistance with daily living

BB Disability Services offers a range of services that can be customized to meet the specific needs and preferences of each individual. This may include assistance with activities such as dressing, grooming, and personal hygiene, as well as medication management. All our support workers are trained and experienced in providing personal care support in a manner that promotes respect, dignity, and privacy.

Community access

At BB Disability Services,we recognize the importance of community participation and social inclusion for individuals with disabilities or mental health conditions. Our support workers are trained and experienced in providing assistance with community access and participation. They can provide support to individuals in a range of settings, including community centers, recreational facilities, and educational institutions. They also provide training and coaching to individuals on skills such as communication, problem-solving, and social interaction.

Coordination of services

The support coordination services provided by BB Disability Services can be particularly beneficial for individuals who are new to the NDIS or who require assistance navigating the complex support system. We have experienced support coordinators who can provide guidance and assistance with plan management, budgeting, and decision-making to ensure that individuals are receiving the support they need to achieve their goals.

Assistance with employment

The employment support services offered by BB Disability Services are designed to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual. This may include resume writing, job searching, interview preparation, workplace training, and ongoing support to ensure success in the workplace. We work together with prospective employers to identify job opportunities that are well-suited to the skills and abilities of their clients.