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SDA Housing NSW Understanding Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and its Benefits by BBDisability.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a dedicated NDIS funded service developed to address the high-complex care needs of people with significant functional deficits/impairments.

SDA properties are specifically designed, in line with the high-support needs, to enhance and improve the lives of people with disability.

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The NDIS funding supports eligible SDA participants to avail these specifically modified homes and experience better quality of life.

A Supported Independent Living (SIL) supports people with disabilities in the comfort of your home but SDA funds for developing an individually tailored physical setting for you to receive the much-needed care you wish for. SDA provides long-term accommodation.

SDA Eligibility

Types of SDA

Specialist Disability (SDA) dwellings can be houses, townhouse, duplexes, villas and apartments.

The new SDA properties can accommodate a maximum of up to 5 participants. The SDA dwellings must comply with the specific design standards of four SDA categories matching with the extreme functional impairments or very high support needs.

SDA categories

Our SDA Services

BBDisability & Heath Services offers Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) for people with significant physical impairment and high support needs.

We also partner with the SDA providers in the provision of Supported Independent Living service for the participants to enhance their choices and control in their life.

Alternatively, please contact us on email: admin@bbdisability.com.au

SDA price Guide please, Click Here